
As State Representative of District 36, I will:

1. Protect individual liberties

  • As your State Representative, I will fight against infringements on our rights and liberties. I will work to cut outdated laws, burdensome regulations, and government overreach.

2. Streamline education regulations & promoting school choice

  • I will work to ensure that our schools are spending more time educating students than adhering to outdated or redundant regulations.
  • I will promote school choice and policies that ensure families are able to be made aware of their children’s curriculum in the classroom.

3. Protect manufacturing jobs

  • We must make certain that Indiana continues to attract businesses from around the world.
  • This includes ensuring that Hoosiers have the education and skills necessary to fill positions while not burdening companies with unnecessary or outdated regulations.
  • Our state – and our community – have strong manufacturing backgrounds. As a grandson of two lifelong General Motors employees, I understand the value that these jobs provide for Hoosier communities and their families. 

4. Promote workforce development

  • I will promote initiatives that allow Hoosiers to obtain necessary certifications and training in an efficient manner.
  • Many of today’s highest-paying jobs do not require a four-year degree. Instead, they require technical licenses or certifications.

5. Keep Indiana’s budget balanced

  • As your State Representative, I will support a balanced budget that funds the state’s necessary initiatives while avoiding overspending and putting our future at risk.
  • Just as Hoosiers families must live within their budget, the State of Indiana must operate within theirs.

6. Promote opportunities for students to attend trade schools to acquire hands-on skills for high-paying jobs while also avoiding large amounts of student loans

7. Increase funding for the tearing down of abandoned homes that are beyond repair

8. Support policies that crack down on violent offenders & home intruders in our community